A Great Laugh for Our Mums

GST Inc$0.36
SKU: GLM2740
BEWARE - Contains Coarse Language! This book had me Giggling from the First Page! A celebration of parenting failures and hilarious confessions. Cheapest price we found elsewhere $12.50!

BEWARE - Contains Coarse Language!

This is a book for anyone who’s ever dealt with a poo in the pool, cleaned up a sick in the supermarket, or gone to an important meeting without realising there is Weetbix stuck to their backside!

Compiled by two talented Mums -also stand up Comedians, Helen Thorn (Australian) and Ellie Gibson (English) Scummy Mummies is a comedy book for less-than-perfect parents. It's about how bringing up kids can be a tough business, but we're all going through the same things, and it's easier if we can have a good laugh about it.

While the authors share their own True Stories, there are also perspectives from a single mum, stay-at-home dad, and adoptive parent.  Every chapter includes confessions of parenting failure collected from the audiences at their Scummy Mummies Live Show.
About the Authors:  In July 2013, Helen and Ellie launched The Scummy Mummies Podcast - a fortnightly chat show for less-than-perfect parents. It was an instant hit, reaching number one on the iTunes Kids & Family chart. Today the podcast has racked up hundreds of thousands of downloads and is listened to in more than 100 countries.

Paperback – 160 pages.    Recommended Retail Price $14.99!